Don’t feel limited to your child’s teacher! If you have a further desire to volunteer, you can help out another teacher at Saint Michael. Just fill out your gifts and abilities on the questionnaire on the inside back cover of this booklet, tear it off, and turn it in, and you will be matched to the best way you can help.

Resource Center

Assist students in the Resource Room by supervising small group testing, reading with students, and supporting the important learning that takes place through our school’s Resource Department.

Madeline Tipton

Uniform Exchange Storeroom

Volunteers are always needed to help straighten and organize the storeroom of school uniforms and “man” the uniform exchange.

Kim Schlachta

Office Center

We would love your help in the office center stuffing envelopes, preparing school and church mailings and helping plan and setup for special events, such as Open House, Grandparents’ Day and the Saints Scholars Awards Ceremony.

Church: Shea Flynn 239-939-1218
Church: Stephanie Bellino 239-939-1218
Church: Lori Schwan 239-939-1218
School: Jeanie Free 239-939-1218
School: Sue Hampel 239-939-1218
School: Holly McCord 239-939-1218

Art Fair

Artwork from students grades K-8 is displayed and enjoyed at the annual Art Fair. Volunteers are appreciated to assist in setup and/cleanup.

Amber Whitaker

Drama Production

The Fine Arts Department of SMLS offers an elective for grades 6-8 during the school day to be involved in a school musical. For the performance, they are always looking for extra hands to help in a variety of ways before, during, and after the production.

Christy Wenzlaff

Scholastic Book Fair

We love BOOKS! We offer two book fairs each year. The first book fair will be in the fall. A second will take place on Grandparents’ Day. Volunteers are needed to assist with set up, cashier, or clean up.

Stephanie Letourneau