Parent Involvement

We encourage parents to support the school by being active participants in their child’s education. We are very grateful for those parents that continue to participate in school events, parent-teacher conferences, attend PTL meetings, volunteer their time at school, and other parent enrichment activities provided by the school to inform and encourage parents to be leaders in schools and their communities.

There are many volunteer opportunities during school hours, after school, or during the weekend. Volunteer opportunities include helping in the library, office, classroom, or chaperoning on a field trip. Volunteering and attending school events, PTL meetings, and/or joining a committee are all ways to participate at SMLS.

Volunteer Expectations

The mission of the volunteer program is to enrich the community of Saint Michael Lutheran by implementing a fair and equitable volunteer

Here at SMLS we are a family. So we believe that SMLS parents getting involved in the life of our school helps to create and maintain that family atmosphere … while improving SMLS for our children. We feel that mandatory volunteer hours can be very motivational. The policy adopted by the Board of Christian Education requires every SMLS family to contribute a minimum of 20 hours of service each year per family. There are numerous ways to donate your time throughout the school year, and they are listed on the next pages. If you choose to opt out of volunteering, we will add $300 (20 hours @ $15 an hour) to your last month of tuition. However, it is our sincere hope that you will choose to get involved and experience all the added blessings that come with serving among fellow SMLS families. You must log in all your hours using ParentsWeb.

Background Screening Requirement

Anyone who will be working directly with children must complete a Raptor background check through the FACTS Family Portal. This includes classroom volunteers, field trip drivers, and library volunteers just to name a few. The cost is $15. Log on to FACTS Family Portal. Follow the instructions on the link there, submit payment, and your application will be complete. We will only notify you if there is an issue with the application. Each background check is valid for 3 years. If you do not wish to have a background check done, there are still many ways you can volunteer and make a difference. All visitors must check in at the front office with a valid driver’s license to receive a visitor’s pass and to be allowed to stay on campus during school hours.

Staff Appreciation Committee

This committee focuses on letting the faculty and staff of St. Michael Lutheran Church and School know how much we appreciate everything that they do to provide an excellent educational and spiritual experience for our children. There are 3 main events that occur throughout the year:

  1. Back to School Staff Luncheon (August 4, 2023)
  2. St. Michael Staff Christmas Party (December 8, 2023)
  3. End of the School Year Appreciation Week (May 20 -24, 2024)

Members of this committee will assist with planning events, set up of events, preparation of food, seeking of donations for gift baskets, and execution of the event themselves. Any help is appreciated!

PTL Meetings For 2023-2024

Join us for these informational monthly meetings on the following Tuesdays at 6:00pm in the cafeteria!

  • August 7 – 2023
  • September 19 – 2023
  • October 10 – 2023
  • November 14 – 2023
  • December 19 – 2023
  • January 16 – 2024
  • February 27 – 2024
  • March 12 – 2024
  • April 23 – 2024
  • May 21 – 2024