Auction Sponsorship Levels
Please indicate the level at which you would like to sponsor. Multiple sponsors accepted at each level.
LEVEL 1 – $10,000
- One reserved table for eight (8 seats) with priority seating to the event.
- Full page cover ad in event program
- Recognition in all event-related school and website publications
- Recognition in all event-related local printed material
- Name placed on commemorative plaque within SMLS campus
- Prominent Signage before and during the event
- Announced at the event
LEVEL 2 – $7,500
- Four tickets to the event with priority seating
- Full Page cover ad in event program
- Recognition in all event related school and website publications
- Recognition in all event-related printed material
- Prominent Signage at the event
- Announced at the event
LEVEL 3 – $5,000
- Four tickets to the event with priority seating
- Half page ad in event program
- Recognition in all event-related school and website publications
- Recognition in all event-related local printed material
- Prominent signage at the event
LEVEL 4 – $2,500
- Two tickets to the event with Priority Seating
- Half page ad in event program
- Recognition in all event-related school and website publications
- Recognition in all event related local printed material
- Prominent signage at the event
LEVEL 5 – $1,500
- Two tickets to the event with Priority Seating
- Quarter Page ad in event program
- Recognition in all event-related school and website publications
- Recognition in all event related local printed material
- Prominent signage at the event
LEVEL 6 – $1,000
- Business size ad in event program
- Recognition in all event-related school and website publications
- Recognition in all event-related local printed material
- Prominent signage at the event
LEVEL 7 – $500
- Noted in event program
- Recognition in all event-related school and website publications
- Recognition in all event-related local printed material
- Signage at the event